Friday, November 6, 2009

White House Vs. Fox News

I'm so sick of our government trying to control EVERYTHING!!! For some reason it's okay for CNN to be totally biased in their reports, railing on any Republican they can get their hands on, and praising the Democrats and their beloved leaders, but for Fox news to represent facts that aren't pro-democratic... well, they should be shut down. At least that's what Obama is apparently trying to do. Everyone outside of our country has noticed that we are quickly becoming a socialized country, us, the United States of America. "Land of the Free" has become "Land of Obama" and there is nothing anyone can do about it! Or is there? One thing I have done is voted at the following link, showing that I think it's okay for Fox News to report on happenings that don't worship the ground our president walks on. I understand that anti-government programs are dangerous, but that isn't even what Fox News is doing!!! They are just getting the truth out there, the way it should be. I think it's more dangerous to be blindly led into the captivity of socialism/communism by power-hungry politicians!
Poll: I'm supporting:
By the way, what's in it for all the actors/performer etc to be so Democratic? The fact that most of them are hyped up on drugs/alcohol most of the time makes me think they don't have too much going on upstairs. I'm really confused why the media and all these performers are SO DEMOCRATIC! Please someone enlighten me because it's annoying!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Curtains I Pine For

I have been needing curtains in our house for a very long time, but FINDING something worth hanging has left me with sheets and empty windows for far TOO LONG! After searching for fabric and then deciding that I will never get around to making something I finally looked beyond our trusty Target-type stores and found the following MUST-HAVES at
These would be in our bedroom I don't care where these go, as long as they go in front of a window
These would be in my daughter's bedroom. Secretly, I wish they were in MY bedroom, but I don't think my husband would appreciate the colors.